Every day people do many activities. One activitie is snake milking. People who do that do it every day. In the morning they get up early and go to farm. After that they go to a labaratory and milking snake. Each year snakes bite 8,000 people in the USA. And people can be wildlife photographers. Wildlife photographers don't do office work . They work outdors. They doesn't work shifts. They hide behind the trees and wait for a chance to get beautiful photo. After dinner they go to there computers and redact photos and share it to other people. Let me tell your some words about one animal. Every morning at 9 o'clock one girafe opens windows to look what is for breakfast. In the wild life giraffes eat leaves and twigs. But this girafe lives at the hotel and he eats tosts and some orange juice. People also can do activities at school. Children in England attend secondary beetwen the ages of 11 and 16. They study a lot of diferent subjects like English, Maths, Sciense, Geography and Art. From the ages of 14 to 16 all pupils prepare for their GCSEs. At 3:30 pm people do after school activities. They complete hockey or footbal team and play in their area. Other people play on musical instruments. I told to you about activities which people use to do every day.
1. Do people who milking snake do it every day ?
2. Do wildlife photographers work shifts ?
3. Does girafe get up at 10:00 o'clock ?
4. How many people do snakes bite in the USA each year ?
5. What do wildlife photographers do after dinner ?
6. What do people in school at 3:30 ?
7. Do wildlife photographers hide behind the trees or in the bushes ?